Thursday, August 12, 2021
We can arm ourselves
as much as we wish.
Only God’s Blessings
Can Save Us From the Real Enemy.
Psalm 9:3
My enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before you.
Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
Words of Grace For Today
There are wonderful words to be able to speak about the challenges of life and the enemies that would do us in, such as:
My enemies turned back, they stumbled and perished before you.
Or even less concrete, though much more valuable:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.
We need more than enemies that stumble and perish, we need more than the physical results of force that cost our enemies their lives. We need … well we need God on our side, or rather we need some hope that we can be seen by God to be on God’s size. Well, more than seen … we need to know that God has us on God’s side.
What we know, in our honest moments, is that there is no way on this blessed earth that we even know how to be on God’s side all the time, or even sometimes for more than a moment or two, if that.
So how can we even hope that God will ensure we are on God’s side?
We have only God’s word, God’s promises, and Jesus’ story, which is as much as we will get, and
more than we need.
God walks with us. We are not doing what God wants us to do all the time. God ensures we do God’s will as much as God can guide us to do so, sometimes in spite of us or what seems to be by accident by us. God certainly does get wondrous works out of us saints.
The greatest work begins as we confess and give God thanks that Jesus has brought God’s grace to bear on us. This great work is oft repeated, as many times as we stray from God’s will for us, which is so many times we cannot count them even those in one of our days. This work is completed when we show God’s grace to others so that they may know God as the One who walks with them, graciously bringing them to abundant life.
When we do that we know once again without a doubt that God
has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
and God has blessed us in Christ with every creaturely blessing in the concrete earthly places that God gives us to walk in and through for our days in God’s blessed creation.
The world is after all God’s and God blesses us to live in it, to life abundantly in it, as God’s Grace-made saints.