Monday, June 13, 2022

Ours is the Grass,
God’s are the Mountains
Psalm 65:6
By your strength you established the mountains; you are girded with might.
John 14:14
If in my name you ask me for anything, I will do it.
Words of Grace For Today
Consider God.
Not just a heavy weight champion for millennia and eons, God is the winner in all contests of strength, power, might, abilities, and smarts … oh, and wisdom.
The mountains and the oceans have always attracted humans to them, to be astounded by them, inspired by them, to be dwarfed by them, to be renewed by them … and to be made afraid by them.
God spoke a word, and the mountains and the oceans … and for that matter all matter and the universe itself, were created.
No contest, God is greater.
At least we are able to gawk and shudder at the immensity of God’s works.
Then we try to do marvellous things, building towers to the skies, flying through those skies, building cities that cover miles and miles of land, sending fragile ships across the oceans and into space, and writing and speaking words as if ours could possibly create a universe.
Our words alone can inspire and save lives, redirect civilization, capture memories to be marvelled at and used as guides by future generations (if they’d only read and understand!), and our buildings and cities are amazing, and our ability to travel around the globe in air, on sea, and in space are all astounding accomplishments
and they barely compare to what God does.
Forget about creation for a this moment,
but consider what God does with our sinful, burdened hearts, when God forgives, redeems, renews us, and sends us back into life to be God’s instruments of grace for other people.
That is more awesomely amazing than all God’s word of creating the universe.
And it cost God Jesus’ life. Not cheap.
Jesus promises then that if we ask for something in his name he will do it!
Carte Blanche, with just one proviso: that it be God’s will.
Ask this day, of the Creator and Redeemer and Inspirer, all that you need and want, and trust that God will do what God wills for you, and for us all.
Then it’s time to set about the day’s tasks, of life and of love and of being God’s blessing to others. It’s not nearly as awesome as God creating with a word, but it’ll have to do as today’s ‘blow my mind away’ thought to bring us alert through the 24 hours God gifts us, again!