
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Resolutely Cold

Cold Cuts

Cold Turkey

Cold Everything

Except God’s Grace,

Which Holds Us Safe In God’s Warm Loving Embrace

Psalm 57:2

I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfils his purpose for me.

John 1:16

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

Words of Grace For Today

This year I am going to keep my New Year’s Resolution. I’m so tired of always making the same resolution only to fail to keep it sooner than I care to admit.

I would prefer to:

One – be reliable, for myself anyway, and always be able to do what I say I am going to do.

Two – make the best decisions possible, given the circumstances and all I know at the time, and then not be remorseful at all even if things turn out completely terrible for me. After all I would have done the best I could, and no one has any right to demand more from anyone, especially not someone of themselves.

Three – always tell the truth, no matter the cost, because God knows no one else is telling the truth, so I might as well get the best from it all that I can.

Four – be able to find the best in every situation and share that with as many people as possible.

Five – be wealthy enough to have my own airplane, fly when and where I want, travel to take photos, and share them with anyone who would enjoy them, have enough land to live in quiet privacy near a lake, travel to the mountains often, visit with family and friends (I’l like a few good reliable friends),

Six – visit and take photos of the seven wonders of the world, whether they are A: the Egyptian Pyramids, the Grand Canyon, the Eifel Tower, the Amazon forest, the Great Wall of China, Mount Everest, K2, a ride into space, the Antarctic, Australia’s Outback, Canada’s Tundra, the fall leaves of the East Coast, Tibet’s mountains, … OR B: touch, sight, taste, smell, delight, joy, trust, love and hope.

Seven – take a ride into space for a day or at least a few hours, with a good camera and fly by the International Space Station.

Or at least

Eight – I’d prefer the beauty of the day to be visible to my heart and mind each minute.

So this year again I will make my New Year’s Resolution that I will not make a New Year’s Resolution. It’s one I can always keep and fail at merely in the making of it.

It is in keeping with the reality that I already do One, Two, Three, Four, SixB, and Eight. The others are good dreams to hold on to, but not worth sacrificing the others.

Happy New Year’s!

What resolutions will you make?