Monday, August 31, 2020

and child Trees
God created this all
and us in this world.
Psalm 100:3
Know that the Lord is God. It is God who made us, and we are God’s; we are God’s people, and the sheep of God’s pasture.
Acts 17:26-28
From one ancestor God made all nations to inhabit the whole earth, and God allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the places where they would live, so that they would search for God and perhaps grope for God and find God – though indeed God is not far from each one of us. For “In God we live and move and have our being”; as even some of your own poets have said.
Words of Grace For Today
Who are we?
Whose are we?
Why for are we here?
What is this life all about anyway?
These questions and many more have given humans something to wrestle with in our minds and souls.
It is troubling to not know anything of who we are. Literature is made up of all sorts of examples of people who do not remember who they are. Amnesia comes into play.
The worse cases are when people live through what should be a full life and have not taken time and effort to discover who they are. The un-examined life. Not knowing thy self. Bourgeoisie living. We have lots of names for it.
Worst are the cases where humans make every effort to establish for themselves that they are the king of their universes. The results are always pathetic.
Striving to find (and control) God is common, and futile. God is already, always with us. Trying to control God is the original sin, common to all, and always ends poorly.
We can celebrate: God is with us. God created us, and all the universe. God gave us a thirst and hunger to know God. God claims us and makes us God’s own children.
That should put any pride to rest in us; we remain children always! Not that it does … pride flourishes, a great favourite of the Devil to separate us from God’s unconditional love. A futile effort on the Devil’s part, but the devil is great at convincing us we are separate from God.
As poets have written of since words were first etched and scratched to express the wonder of life being larger than what is only obvious.
That’s where life really is, in surprise and miraculous wonders.
Like God loving us. I can accept me, but you … God is really something! (As truth is for us all, we are more astonished that God has time for us, ourselves, than for other people. We know deep inside how imperfect we are.
Yet, God is here with us. God claims us as God’s own children.
Life is good for God’s children. For us it is no exception, no matter how terrible our circumstances, life with God is good. It is what life is to be.