2020 Apr 11 How to Grow During Covid 19

The Un-Secrets to Ministry Growth During Covid 19

The Word, the Light.

The Light is Glorious! Do you see?

Do you want the Word, Jesus Christ, to reach more and more people?

Do you want to grow the body of Christ, to share the Good News with new people, to provide ministry to more people than you have before?

Most pastors and leaders of congregations would say, Yes?

But are you willing to get the things done to make that happen?

Most pastors and leaders would say yes, but …. And then not do what is necessary.

So what if Covid 19 has shut down gatherings, including worship services. Our hearts and brains still live on, right?

Why is Covid 19 not an opportunity to reach more people?

It is easier to get someone to ‘participate in’, to ‘visit’, or to ‘try out’ a church on line than in person. So why are the churches not capitalizing on that?

Yes, some are putting together online worship opportunities, so severely limited by the brick and mortar model of worship, that it’s painful to watch the results, but then worship in person has often been that, too. No wonder memberships decline. Or worse is for it all to become an entertainment hour where the real Word of God is hardly a bother.


Intentional Interim Ministry teaches (as many elsewhere, too) that the way to grow a church is to build on the church’s assets, on your own assets.

Trinity’s Music as a good start

Look at Trinity Lutheran Church’s worship offered via a link from their website http://www.trinity-lutheran.ab.ca/ to Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIBh_NH2X34&feature=youtu.be#t=0s

Prelude & Postlude

Among Trinity’s assets are it has a cathedral style building with a pipe organ, and an organist in Cherie Larson who knows how to make it ‘sing’, and other musicians who contribute at a very professional level to enliven worship with profoundly meaningful music.

Trinity also tapped someone who is a professional quality photographer and a video editor to create an entrance/prelude collage and exit/postlude collage of photos, set to music which is an excellent experience to take in on Youtube (better than actually entering the brick and mortar building!)

So far, so good!


Then for hymns for the worship service, the music (from the hymnal?) with words and musical notes are presented on the screen while the music is professionally produced for the audio track, also a joy to experience. It is as good as if one is there in person (almost – since other congregants voices are missing – but one hardly notices that lack since it is still terrific to experience as it is done.) No two hymns are presented in the same way. Different instruments and voice-collections are used for each hymn. Nothing is merely good enough and then boringly the same. Always a variety brings out the best in the music of the hymn presented, reflecting the content of the hymn in the best possible way.

So far, getting better.

The rest of Trinity’s worship can be skipped over so as not to detract from the worship experience. But read on to how easy it would be to make all profoundly wondrous.

God’s House?

The Body of Christ, the Church is not made of Brick and Mortar or Wood

So what’s missing?

Missing are liturgy, scripture readings, sermon and prayers that reflect the Good News they are intended to be, instead of half efforts to fulfill an obligation whatever that is.

Readings and Words spoken need to sing!

Readings of the biblical texts for the day, can be read with heart, clarity and meaning that convey the content of the lessons. Why present worship without scripture, and scripture presented like it truly is God’s Word to us, in all its glory.

Liturgy can easily be presented, like the hymns, so that one can participate. Again reflecting God’s Word to us in all its glory.

A sermon ought memorably reflects the lessons of the day, the news of the day, and God’s life-giving Word meeting us in our sinful/God-made saintly lives. It is not that difficult to present a sermon in a manner that makes it as profound an experience as the entrance/prelude or the hymns. Of course a sermon ought to reflect the theology of the cross, of grace, and of hope that inspired us to become pastors in the first place.

Other worship material can also easily be presented so that people can participate (like the hymns are presented to be participated in.)

How come these other pieces of the worship are not as good as the music? It’s not because they cannot be. I’ve experienced them at Trinity to be as good, and not. And at a great number of other churches, both as tremendously good and woefully poor. What is it anyway that we fail to be inspired (inwardly animated to engage in the profound in-breaking of the divine in our life at that moment) leading worship, as Pastors and as lay people?

So what could be done?

This is not just for Trinity, but for every congregation out there that dares to ask, how can we reach and minister to and provide care for even more people, especially during this crisis?

What are your assets?

Can someone do music well for the congregation?

Can someone do photography well for the congregation?

Can someone do video editing well for the congregation?

Can you do your own great version of Trinity’s Prelude/Postlude?

Note: the photography for all the photos throughout the service cannot be just pictures; Trinity’s are professional photos taken with great care to present what is there with the best light, composition, and tone! That is not simple or easy to reduplicate. But if you want to do this well, good photography is a minimum!

Note: the music is not just any music played sort of well. It is the right music for the season, for the experience of entering worship. That is not simple or easy to reduplicate. But if you want to do this well, good music is a minimum!

What to do to make this worship profound through the whole service?

What could make the ‘talking head’ sections of worship not just better but profoundly inspiring to experience?

How about the best lighting, composition, and tone set up for the recording of the Pastor/Readers?

How about putting the Pastor – even a still photo (especially if you cannot figure out good photography while recording video of the readings)- standing at the altar, or at the lectern or in the pulpit as is appropriate?

How about not presenting the Pastor sitting?

How about not presenting the ‘talking head’ throughout the section being presented?

How about starting with the live/still Pastor/Reader photos/videos, and then on top of the continuing audio using photos or video that reflect the meaning of the audio beneath?

Or animated [Lego] for the children? See https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1721092675775 and for the back story: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/lego-video-coronavirus-1.5524282

The Path

The Path Before Us May be Difficult

What not to do?

Do not present amateur photos or video or audio. Make it better than just good. Make it profoundly good!

Every human is a precious person, created in God’s image.

There is no human face that cannot be photographed to be engaging!

So do not present photos or videos that present any presenter (Pastor or lay) as washed out, greyed out, or old and tired.

Plain words are better than bad photos of the reader!

Same goes for voices! Remember, these voices carry the Word of God. Do not present almost dead, hard to hear, or confused voices. They ought to be professionally-played-on-a-pipe-organ music to one’s ears, heart, and soul! (Pastors: if you do not know how to do this then now is finally the opportunity to learn. Start with understanding the words and the Word they proclaim! The words ought to stir your spirit when you say them! Edit and practice saying them until they do!)

What is required to do this (much, so far)?

Equipment (computer and software) to record music.

Equipment (computer and software) to record ‘talking heads’.

A good [cell] camera, computer and software to produce the photos.

Equipment (computer and software) to edit video

A photographer.

A videographer. (these may be the same person, even one of the readers, pastors, or musicians.)

A website with Youtube posting or link capabilities.

A Youtube account.

Musicians, Pastor, Readers,

The Holy Spirit – is already ready to inspire everyone!

The Online Worship Results

So the worship experience on the church’s website is as terrific as it can be, worth participating in, something anyone would be proud to provide the link to, to anyone.

It’s all good enough to go viral and (not be an embarrassment to anyone, rather it would) make everyone proud to be part of the effort!

Now What? ‘Shoe Leather’ is Required

Now What!?

Now it’s the same as a mission church: share the good news.

Distribute hard copy invitations to be distributed (carefully protected as VIRUS CLEAN – state on the papers what precautions are taken to ensure the papers are CLEAN!)

Distribute them to members at home (lots of driving, but get it done, at least once!) Think about distributing already consecrated elements at the same time, in quantity to last a few months for all bound to the limits of home.

Give members multiple copies of the invite and encourage them to make more copies or ask for more if they need them.

Ask them to share the invitations with everyone they know, and anyone who is lonely! That’s a whole lot of people now!

In the neighbourhood around the church, hit the pavement with many persons working alone, putting the invitations in mailboxes -careful to be virus clean!

Why now?!

Because we can!

Because it’s God’s Word!

Because people are more in need of some contact, and open to responding to invitations online and have time to respond!

Because people are hurting, and hurting people are the people the church (historically, if not your church) cares about, and cares for!

Because it is why we live and breathe!

Because the hard work is rent for the air we breathe!

Do you want your congregation to grow, or it’s ministry to reach more people!?

Answer with your actions.

Chop Chop

Chop Chop, there’s work to be done!

Comments are welcome back to

shm AT prwebs DOT

Rev. Tim Lofstrom

Who am I? I know whose I am and who I am, but maybe you do not. I am:

Photographer, writer, blogger, and erstwhile Euphonium player and student of music.

B.A. summa cum laude from Concordia with CREDO honors, M.Div. from Yale, one year scholarship at Justus Liebig Universität, and 16 years parish experience spread over 4 decades, spouse to a parish pastor for over 3 decades.

Also commercial pilot; stay at home father; instructor at community colleges for computers; bookkeeping, photography; MCSE (NT4), ran a computer business for 8 years; and built a house with my own hands after retiring in my 40’s as a pastor in order to pull my pension as seed money for a home for my family.

Now: homeless, my reputation ruined thorough gaslighting even as I did laudably also for children, still creating photos, writing, and celebrating the Eucharist to remember who I am in the face of who people lie to say I am other.
