Covid 19: Daily Words of Grace – Apr 24

Friday, April 24, 2020

God, as simple as a Rock,

Demonstrates Glory by Healing our Souls.

Jeremiah 14:21

Do not spurn us, for your name’s sake; do not dishonour your glorious throne; remember and do not break your covenant with us.

1 Corinthians 1:9

God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Words of Grace For Today

Jeremiah pleads with God not to break the covenant God made with their ancestor, Abraham. God alone made the covenant. It was not a bi-lateral agreement. It was not tit-for-tat. It was not a contract with the members agreeing on the exchange of things of value.

God made the covenant, simply because God choose to make the covenant. Thereafter, God returns numerous times to restate the promises. In addition to Abraham and his family and descendants being made, by God’s act alone, into the people of God, God makes promises: God will give the wandering Arameans land flowing with milk and honey. God will give Abraham and Sarah descendants as numerous as the stars.

God makes good on God’s promises. God makes good on more than that.

God comes in the human life of Jesus of Nazareth, God’s own son on earth, to live, heal, teach, suffer, and die … to pay for what you and I and all our ancestors and their descendants (i.e. all people) have done against God and the goodness of creation.

The story continues. Death does not win out, because God raises Jesus back to life.

God does this not because we deserve it, but because God so chooses.

God also chooses you and me to join in the fellowship of Jesus, the body of Christ on earth.

We may turn from God.

We may suffer as a result of sins.

We may face challenges we may not know we can even survive, like Covid 19.

God remains trustworthy. God remains a Rock for us to rely on. God remains with us!

This is the ongoing story of God. God remains with us, even when we no longer deserve the great blessings God has given us.

All good is to God’s glory. God’s glory is not our brokenness, doch God’s will to heal us.

May we be healed of all the ills that we face because of isolation, because of loss of loved ones, because of the illness we face, which may indeed bring us to death’s door.

On this and the far side of that door, God stands with us. God is worthy of our trust.