Sunday, May 31, 2020

Better than some
Temporarily Good Enough
It’s Inhabited by Grace
Isaiah 5:8
Ah, you who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is room for no one but you, and you are left to live alone in the midst of the land! The Lord of hosts has sworn in my hearing: Surely many houses shall be desolate, large and beautiful houses, without inhabitant.
1 Corinthians 12:13
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
Words of Grace For Today
Those who greedily gather more and more for themselves, though they have many houses, even if the are physically in one of those houses, that house is desolate and uninhabited; for it takes a person of gratitude and generosity to inhabit even a small house, and it takes yet more grace, gratitude and generosity to inhabit a large house, yet alone a mansion.
Row after row of BIG BOX HOUSES line the new subdivisions. Families move in and the houses are left without inhabitants.
To be a person … a person at all and more-so a person in God’s Kingdom … one needs to rely on the Holy Spirit gifts given at baptism …
One needs to drink the Holy Spirit and become one of the saints connected with the other saints through every generation …
working with the gifts the Holy Spirit gives you to build up the people of God
and as the Spirit makes one able, to call upon the Lord in humble confession and profound gratitude for the forgiveness given, the new life received, and the Grace enabled in one’s heart, mind and strength.
There is no person who is not offered these gifts from the Spirit of God, all Greeks, Jews, Gentiles, Free and Slave (to the powers that be), of whatever gender or preference of drink or joy, whatever generation from whatever family. All are equal. All receive precious gifts. All can accept them with gratitude and live to build up instead of tear down the people of God.
From the gift of true soul-peace we gain the ability to generate external peace for those around us.
We pray, may our living spaces (some of us have no home) be inhabited with God’s people of Grace.

Charlotte is not Home