Facing Covid 19: Daily Words of Grace – June 15

Monday, June 15, 2020

There once was a home …

The old homestead

long ago bit the dust.

Might it be resurrected

with new life.

Isaiah 26:19

Your dead shall live, their corpses shall rise. O dwellers in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a radiant dew, and the earth will give birth to those long dead.

2 Corinthians 4:14

We know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus, and will bring us with you into his presence.

Words of Grace For Today

The images for resurrection abound. Glorious, wonderful, hopeful.

The south wind blows hot air as I write this, warming it up into the high 30⁰.
Not that comfortable.

Deception and lies abound all around, making lots of people hot under the collars.
Not that comfortable.

Rule of law is lost as police brutality takes centre stage, with peaceful protests in response that are hijacked into violent riots in the heat of the nights for weeks.
Not that comfortable.

Patterns of RCMP here at home, blatant in statistics, are racially focused and motivated by hatred spawned from irrational fears. Real crime is ignored, or abided, in a subtle agreement that it must exist, or it is attacked as if it were already war … and truth is the first victim in war. Society decay receives the heat of corruption applied, speeding it’s crumbling beneath a veneer of nice politeness.
Not that comfortable at all.

In every generation the creative progress has always moved only along with the corruption of evil that permeates human efforts, so that eventually all (seemly) good things rot away.

The dead bodies of all human ‘achievements’ litter history and all creation.

In this dust, we each come to rest, at the end of our lives.



The promise made evident with Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is that God does not abandon us to this dust, not after we die, nor as we live.

From this dust God will bring us back to new life, raised with Jesus Christ, to live in God’s presence.

It is a promise in which we place our trust and hope.

Hope pulls us up and out of the dust that surrounds us each day. We live differently, better, at peace, simply because we have this hope. We no longer need to struggle to be good, God makes us saints in spite of ourselves. We no longer need to struggle to make things happen, and in the process become the evil that we try to conquer, trying to do in secret what is certainly wrong, destructive, and futile.

Hope makes all the difference in how we live. We surrender to serve Christ and Christ alone, no longer making our own goals the purpose of life, at all costs.

Even today the Holy Spirit guides us to live this life. This life is as Christ provides: that we accept our own sinfulness, his forgiveness, and the renewed life that the Holy Spirit gives us – then we turn to other sinners and forgive them, helping them turn from the evil that consumes them.

God help us. Raise us from this dust that catches in our throats as we try to breathe. Give us Light, Breath, and Hope … by Grace alone.