Facing Covid 19: Daily Words of Grace – June 28

Sunday, June 28, 2020


The Devil May Threaten

Because God is with us always

we will not be moved!

Psalm 16:8

I keep the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

Luke 9:62

Jesus said to him, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’

Words of Grace For Today

What roadblocks and earth-movers does the Devil and all his wiles, deceptions, and destruction threaten us with today?

Shall we be moved to join these forces pushing us and so many people up against the rock hard wall?

We pray to the Lord, as promised, may the Holy Spirit guides us, waling right beside us, left beside us, behind us, in front of us, under us and over us. Keep us surrounded so the earth-movers and rock hard places the Devil creates will not be able to distract us from the harvest work Jesus has sent us on all these years. Do not let the Devil’s power, which can eliminate planets and stars in a moment, detract from the greatest power of the Universe that guides us each moment, the power of self-sacrificial love graciously shared with all people.

Help us, to leave behind us the ground that we have gone over and prepared for the seed of God’s Kingdom. It is your soil, your harvest, and yours to bless or not as you choose, God.

Guide us, looking forward to the reward that is ours already and yet not yet.

Save us from drunken, stupid gatherings where not only is God denied but the reality of the Devil is ignored, as if Covid 19 does not kill people, innocent people of all ages, in all places.

Singing together we face the injustices of the people who serve the Devil, even as they pretend to call on Jesus’ name:

Set us free from this evil tyranny, set us free today. But your will be done Lord. All that we are and have is from you. We are your servants, from you we have our very breath.

Let no evil person, nor a devilish virus, take that from us!

Round and Round the Wonders Spread Everywhere

God’s Glory

Cannot be Denied

nor will we be separated from

God’s Love.