Facing Covid 19: Daily Words of Grace – July 21

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Storms and Fiery Sky


Psalm 9:2

I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Words of Grace For Today

Numerous motorized boats of various kinds, including a ski boat and a few seadoos were out making noise on the water. A thunderstorm passed south of here 10km, and while the lightning blasted away they continued, until a dark cloud arrived out of the west. Suddenly it was quiet.

From a loon’s perspective it must be terrifying, never a moment’s piece to go fishing, and then with the rush of wind, loud noise and bursts of light, the fishing is possible again. Dive to it.

Many things in life have their turn, their risks, their safety procedures and cautions. Getting struck by lighting is not usually on anyone’s bucket list, Ben Franklin excepted.

In all this, God accompanies us, having journeyed a life on earth to demonstrate the Creator of all life certainly did understand us from the inside out.

Always, rain or shine, thunder or calm, hail or snow (it is Alberta afterall and snow is a possibility in every month of the year) God is with us.

Therefore we can be glad, sing God’s praise and give thanks in all circumstances.

This is how God created us to be, and Jesus lived as one of us so we would know it, beyond a doubt.

As for the loons, they tolerate us and give us their haunting calls each morning and evening. Yet another thing to be thankful for.

Hallelujah! God is Good, and God is for us!