You Think You Know Miracles Until …

Monday, February 1, 2021


Everyday Marvellous Things Make Our Lives Livable.

We Rarely Notice Miracles.

Miracles, Everywhere All the Time!

Genesis 18:14

Is anything too wonderful for the Lord? At the set time I will return to you, in due season, and Sarah shall have a son.’

Luke 17:5

The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’

Words of Grace For Today

If one takes an honest look at the world, sunk deep in trying to respond to Covid-19 and all it’s variants overwhelming the best minds and health care systems, where in Tanzania there are no more cases just because the President says he prayed and God delivered them all – though cases just like Covid 19 keep showing up in overwhelming numbers in the hospitals – and corrupt leaders use the cover of Covid 19 to do in all sorts of justice with destructive injustice –

Yes, if one takes an honest look at the world, we need a miracle to deliver us.

If one takes an honest look at one’s own self and family, the view is likely not that much better, and we need a miracle there, too.

We need miracles everywhere in our lives!

Vaccines were developed in less than a year with an efficacy far above past vaccines, nearly 95%! That’s a great miracle. Not just once but in different countries by many different scientific teams developing multiple vaccines!

So what do leaders do to cover their failures to safe guard their people: They complain that production facilities have to be redeveloped, to ramp up a much larger production than original capacity provided for … which means delivery schedules in the short term are reduced.

Ahh, we have fewer vials, of the miracles, when if there were no miracles we’d be waiting months if not years for even the first vials.

We need another miracle: the miracle of gratitude which grows out of strong faith. So we cry: Lord, increase our faith!

If God can bring a son to barren, post-menapause Sarah and ‘as good as dead’ Abraham, surely God can bring about a few more miracles for our time … to save us all.

Our response is to start with an open and honest take on the world around us and our own part in it.

God needs us saints to share the old, old story of Jesus and his love; that’s our response to wonders of wonders, that God makes us saints.

The Holy Spirit guides us to work in this world to bring God’s Grace and Justice to bear on all circumstances, for all people, so that all people will know how blessed we all are together.