Show Us and We Will (still not) Be Satisfied

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Use Whatever You Have, Even If It Is Only a Tent,

and Build a Life


God’s Grace for All!

Exodus 33:18

Moses said, ‘Show me your glory, I pray.’

John 14:8-9

Philip said to him, ‘Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father”?

Words of Grace For Today

Since the beginning of time people have wanted to ‘see’ God, and in seeing be the one to control what others heard about God, thus ruling over others.

Others like Moses, when God calls them, want to be shown that the one calling them is really God. They are preparing to ‘lay it on the line’ and they want some reassurances. Nothing like the Glory of God to convince one to answer God’s call to serve.

Others like the disciples, Philip among them (who speaks up this time), are called to serve by Jesus and they want to know that Jesus, the human they see in front of them, is able to call on God and have God show ‘himself’ (for they thought of God as a father). Then they will be satisfied, or so they think and say.

But seeing God’s Glory is not likely going to satisfy anyone who is not already satisfied seeing and living in God’s presence, in God’s creation, day after day. Those people are sacramental mystics, and that is what we can see of God’s Glory.

That and God’s work (including sending Jesus to live among us as a full human, full God) to demonstrate that God’s creation works for us when we live out the same gracious generosity that God shows us in giving us life abundant in this miracle of creation.

“Show us God!” we say with so many before us.

God responds with miracle after miracle of meeting our sins with Grace. Grace is God’s unconditional love demonstrated with forgiveness, redemption, more abundant life, and sanctification!

When we rest in God’s Grace, then we can build the best life we can for us and ours, and all our neighbours, AND we can serve Christ by being God’s Grace for others.

What a life!