Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Life is a series of reflections
on us.
What have we,
What will we,
for others to enjoy an abundant life?
Isaiah 48:10
See, I have refined you, but not like silver; I have tested you in the furnace of adversity.
Luke 6:22-23
Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you, revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man. Rejoice on that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the prophets.
Words of Grace For Today
This life may be terrible and even horrendous, but it will be all right in heaven, so this is all right, too, right?
What doesn’t kill you, makes you strong, right?
Too often these rather stupid simplifications of valid ideas are used as excuses to allow psychological or physical violence and abuse to continue. The truth is there are scars from many things that do not make one stronger.
Perhaps the worse use of these is to justify that some people can enjoy great wealth, privilege, and comfort, while others struggle to stay alive, and others die very ignoble deaths, all in order to make the ‘chosen’ few able to be wealthy, privileged, and comfortable.
God did not make creation for us to live in a while and then escape from it’s injustices to heaven. God made all of creation, saw the accomplished work of creating, and said, “It is Good!”
Life for all people is designed to be GOOD!
GOOD does not mean without pain or suffering evil, for then there is also no possibility to love and experience joy. Pain and suffering – and – love and joy are part and parcel of the kind of life God created us for.
We live and love and experience joy. Some day the people we love will suffer and die. We will then also suffer and experience pain.
And it is all Good.
It is true that those who enjoy wealth, privilege, and comforts now at the expense of others being able to live abundant lives will, for eternity, suffer their choices to be blind and deaf to what they do to others.
It is also true that those who suffer and know only pain, will for eternity be released from that horrible kind of experience and they will know joy forever.
Our lives here and now are not to simply accept all suffering and pain as necessary. It is to work as hard as we can to mitigate and minimize all pain and suffering, to provide an abundant life for everyone!
That’s a life full and long of hard, dedicated work of love, not the sentimental kind of love, the real kind of love that puts one into action and pulls one to sacrifice so that others can live well.
What makes us strong, truly strong, is to know that even as we suffer and are in pain God walks with us, still creating, still seeing all that God does through us, and God says, “It is Good.”
Therefore we know that already today all will be well, all will be well, all manner of things will be well.