‘Victorious’ vs the meek>

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

God Created All That Is.

God Judges Everyone for Everything.

We all win.

Jeremiah 27:5

It is I who by my great power and my outstretched arm have made the earth, with the people and animals that are on the earth, and I give it to whomsoever I please.

Matthew 5:5

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Words of Grace For Today

We work so hard to survive.

And when that is accomplished or given to us by our station at birth or by sheer insane luck, stupidity, or corruption we humans always look to have more from life. We measure it in what is ours! not theirs.

Yet God created this earth not for us to divide it up among ourselves. God created it good, sufficient for all, held together by love, renewed by Grace, and sanctified to be wondrous – including us!

The bold seem to win the most at this inane game of possessing what cannot be possessed, love, land, security, hope and the future.

Jeremiah and Jesus puts it clearly that God is the creator and the one who gives the earth to stewards, and those stewards are not the bold and victorious in our inane human games we have reduced life to.

The meek will inherit the earth.

After we are done ruining it, the victorious will not want it. They will move on to other planets, other challenges, other inane games that they can use to ‘prove’ they are significant.

Only God determines who is significant and for what we are significant.

Have you any clear idea for what we are significant?

Or who is significant to God?

What does the old, old story of Jesus and his love teach us about for what we are significant and who is included in this ‘we’?

Right, all are included (even the deluded ‘victorious’) for we are significant at all to God, solely because …

Because God chooses to love us!