Where Does God Leave Us?

Lost friends, lost love, lost time.

There are so many lies, so many that create a reality that is so fictional.

And all are focused on destroying life, my life, and others’ lives.

Lost friends, lost love, lost time.

Where did we go so wrong!

We move so hard forward scorched earth behind, onward to nowhere.

Lost friends, lost love, lost time.

How can so many of you pledge and commit yourselves to uphold truth, honour, and justice

and then turn and so perversely dishonour everything you pledged ourselves to, taking life away from so many others?

Lost friends, lost love, lost time.

God suffered worse, at the hands of those so pledged, committed, and dishonourable to all that is good,

as God’s only son was arrested, tried, falsely convicted … and crucified, one of the most horrific, torturous deaths possible.

Lost friends, lost love, lost time.

By Grace

God did not leave Jesus dead, nor does God leave us so perversely ruined, though we are fully undeserving of both the destruction, and God’s Grace.

God does not leave us but joins us again with

lost friends, lost love, lost time.


By Grace

God Leaves Us Not At All, Ever, Anywhere.

By Grace Alone.