Rich Feasts or Terror at the Truth Getting Out?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


With Grace

Makes for Our Celebrating and Giving Thanks!

Psalm 63:5

My soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, and my mouth praises you with joyful lips.

Colossians 1:11-12

May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light.

Words of Grace For Today

Life is tough, even cruel, and overpoweringly challenging to one’s own sanity, soul, and spirit.

What God gives us, freely, more than overcomes all that, easily, if we but recognize reality as it is.

These days it is a bit more than normal, after a Trump presidency more noticeably than otherwise, to make up whatever one wants to, to spin reality inside out and upside down, or just make a clean departure from it, all the while claiming to speak only the truth.

Wonderful way to live, making it up as you go, in whatever way you think will be most beneficial to you; to hell with all the people that you hurt or destroy along the way.

Feasting on God’s reality is much easier. One gets to admit everything about life and how it is, the good and the bad … and the very bad. After all God forgives it all and gives us new life each day.

Which gives us an unending source of strength to face how cruel and tough and overpoweringly challenging life is to our sanity, soul, and spirit. The promise that pulls us through it all, keeps us moving forward in Grace is that God sees us as another inheritor as God’s own children with all the saints in light.

The company is made up of great sinners all, and great God-made saints. No need to make up falsehoods to get through anything. We get to feast each day on the bread of life and drink the living water. Nothing compares.

Meanwhile our enemies live in fear that the truth will catch up with them, that their lies will be exposed, and that they will be found out to be fakes. The truth causes them real terror. Which is a horrible way to live.

We, meanwhile, are able, no matter what happens around us, to sing God’s praises in thanks for the grace upon grace that God pours over our lives without end all day long, every day! We have strength that comes from God’s glorious power, making us prepared to endure everything with patience. Life does not get better!