Save Us From the Time of Trial …

Monday, October 25, 2021

If You Lie All The Time

Then It’s Impossible to Tell



Your Shadow.

Psalm 83:2-3

Even now your enemies are in tumult; those who hate you have raised their heads. They lay crafty plans against your people; they consult together against those you protect.

Matthew 6:13

Do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.

Words of Grace For Today

A murder mystery, fiction, true fiction, begins:

Everybody lies.

Cops lie. Lawyers lie. Witnesses lie. The victims lie.

A trial is a contest of lies. And everybody in the courtroom knows this. The judge knows this. ….

[Everyone] take their seats … and agree to be lied to.

Michael Connelly’s The Brass Verdict

I’m not sure if I had known this truth that it would have mattered one iota. I certainly did not know that everyone expected everyone else to lie.

I certainly did not lie, not at all, not at all.

That put me at a huge disadvantage, and that is the way this sad world works, the way people work with each other. It is part of what I have never understood about people, who speak lies, and expect others to lie, and are just fine with all that comes of it. I certainly cannot understand cops, lawyers, witnesses, and judges who choose to lie. I cannot understand how they can so lie as to put innocent people like myself in jail for crimes they certainly did not commit, while other crimes are committed against them by their lying accusers.

As for me, I certainly did not lie, not at all, not at all.

That puts me at a huge advantage, for I know what is and is not. I live in the reality of this world. This in the end is not sad at all, not at all, not at all.

If the price of being honest and kind is that I must be homeless, then I would always choose to be kind, though the choice is not mine to be honest, and I will live well as a homeless person.

So my enemies do not care if they lie. I certainly would care if I lied.

I know that by not lying I do not make myself better than others, the others who lie. I do know that I really have no choice … and those that lie do have a choice. I do not understand how they can make that choice, and that is their burden and what a burden it is.

That is not the greatest burden we can bear, the burden that we cannot survive, not on our own.

The trial that we pray God will save us from, is the trail where the Devil plays freely with us, and only God can save us from the Devil’s clutches.

Seems to me though, if one lives in lies always, then one is got one foot on the greased slide into the Devil’s clutches and the other foot is somewhere, but you cannot ever be sure where it is since it’s been so long since you lived in the truth.

All the other enemies we face are nothing compared to the Devil, and none of them, the Devil included, is anything compared to God.

God walks with me. As for them, I cannot be sure. As for you, you should know that yourself, or pray hard and long so that God will show you. Living homeless is common among all humans of all times, but life is no place to find oneself alone.

No matter what comes, enemy, lies, trials of all kinds, I know God walks with me.

Thanks be to God.