Saturday, April 30, 2022

Robins Foraging for Food
Exodus 33:17
The Lord said to Moses, ‘I will do the very thing that you have asked; for you have found favour in my sight, and I know you by name.’
John 10:14
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.
Words of Grace For Today
The challenges in life are real, and real dangerous, and very destructive. Some would take us out of life in one fell swoop. Others chip away at us, trying to incapacitate us until we fall like a tree felled by stroke after stroke of an axe. Often it feels like that axe aimed at us is huge and dull, or hitting us broadside.
Covid, the restrictions and the fools who rebel against the restrictions and the foolish politicians who lift the restrictions leaving us all at such great risk from each other … all this is certainly another sharp axe swung at us with a freshly sharpened and mutated edge first, though most of us just get the broadside, or the 2nd sharp edge on the back swing.
God walks with us.
Promises of God’s care abound.
Rainbows, Music, fresh bread: all signs of God with us that provide sacramental hope.
Rabbits and robins play and feed in the meadow in the early morning sun, warming away the frost with a 10⁰C warmth.
Deer have fed, played and meandered on.
The geese and ducks will fly over, some honking, some silent, some with a loud whoosshh from their passage through the air.
The owl, after a night of hooting regularly, from various directions, is quiet, resting, waiting for the dark of night again to emerge to hunt for food. Go get the mice!
Human visitors come and get their vehicles stranded in the water ditches the road passes through, unfamiliar with the dangerous deep and the way to get through in the shallowest part. Others with big trucks come and pull them out. Others, very familiar with the area, drive in with a full case of beer cans and litres of rye or rum or vodka to pass an evening into oblivion.
Life proceeds.
The dangers still await us.
God’s promise provides us the courage: God knows us by name, and favours us, and protects us, … and even when death finally wins it’s grip right tightly on our breath and pulls us away, God will welcome us first home.
No danger is more powerful than God’s favour. We live in safety, the best and only safety this life has to offer.
A quiet word of thanks begins each day, as we celebrate Christ’ work for us and all people.
Now let our dance of this day begin, in tune, stepping to the rhythm of God’s blessings pouring over us, turning gracefully, pausing to rest even these arthritic old bones, for the next beat, and then onward into the day.