Sunday, July 10, 2022

Sometimes A Bit Square
Is The Best God Can Mould Us To Be
Jeremiah 18:6
Can I not do with you, O house of Israel, just as this potter has done? says the Lord. Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.
Philippians 2:13
For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
Words of Grace For Today
Paul does get it concisely to the point and correct …
every once in a while.
It is not us doing the right and goodly things.
It is God, working like a potter with the clay on the wheel spinning, forming, moulding, a wonder, a miracle, an exquisite dish.
Of course, that is the dish before we get pounded and de-lumped, the air pushed out of us, and then we get slammed onto the potter’s wheel and it spins out of round, until God gently pushes us into round, able to become something, something at all,
Though it’s not likely we will become an exquisite dish, because God needs plain old everyday, durable, hard-working plates and bowls, too.
From us the world around us will be nourished in the regular, daily, not-fancy-or-celebratory feeding that we humans require in order to flourish and prosper as God’s labourers.
It’s the work we are created for that is the blessing we offer to God’s good creation and all God’s creatures (good or not.)
Another day, more work, common and bland blessings for others, and exhaustion for us. Even to the point that we are too broken and God may have to retire us to the slop pail, to soak before we are pliable enough to be thrown back on the wheel. There again God moulds us for more hard, tedious work in the Kingdom.
Hard work. Always blessed. It doesn’t get better.