Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Is That a Barrier in Our Day,
A Gift of Heat
for the Coldest of Days
Soon Coming?
Psalm 36:3-4
The words of their mouths are mischief and deceit; they have ceased to act wisely and do good. They plot mischief while on their beds; they are set on a way that is not good; they do not reject evil.
Luke 17:15-16
Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. And he was a Samaritan.
Words of Grace For Today
Fools are too easy to find. People with mouths filled only with mischief and deceit are around every corner, if that far away. Actions of wisdom and goodness have long since faded from our landscape. The worries of the night when sleep evades them are filled with scheming how to do even more devious and evil deeds to try to achieve their own place in life. Evil is at their finger tips, pouring from the hearts and minds as readily as if they were the Devil himself.
Then … when one was about to drop dead from despair at the preponderance of evil all around with at least the hope that Jesus has prepared a room for us forever there … a stranger, a foreigner, a believer in other things, comes along, cured by Jesus, healed back to the fullness of life abundant and giving God thanks like we all ought to each day.
Which will we live out this day: out of the overwhelming deceit and evil that pours forth so freely from so many,
from the thanks and joy of one healed by Jesus’ Word?
We are, when we take care to look in a mirror of truth and wisdom, as much the producers of evil as any other.
We are, when we take care to look in a mirror of truth and wisdom, as much healed and capable of giving God thanks as any stranger.
So which will we embrace to start this day? And again throughout the day? And as we lay ourselves to rest for the coming night?